Wednesday, April 8, 2009

5 hours only

Hey you guys--there are only 5 hours left to vote, so vote now! The poll is at the bottom of the page. There has only been 2 votes so far, and one of them is from me ;(

Sometimes I wonder if anyone is even reading my blog. If anyone has ever even been to it. I have no followers. No comments. Nothing. And I wonder if I will ever. Who knows.
Whoever the first voter was, thank you. And if you're reading this now, well, thank you again. 

At least I read my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ana-
    I was telling some friends about your work on Etsy, and we decided to look at your site. It looks great!!! And I read your blog, too. So someone is reading. Keep it up. Love, Dad.
